
Grio's Guide to the Wildlands

Created by Next-Level Gaming

Missed the Kickstarter campaign? No need to worry. You can pick up some select rewards here while we're completing the publication process.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goal Unlocked - Mountains, Grasslands, and Forests!
almost 3 years ago – Sun, May 23, 2021 at 03:05:15 PM

$30K Stretch Goal Unlocked!

Again, we are so pleased with the support from this wonderful community of backers as we have reached our first of many potential stretch goals.  We will now have the funds to include detailed encounters for mountainous regions, sweeping grasslands, and all types of forest environments!  Thank you all for making it possible.

The Wildlands Await!

Content Update

Our team is currently working on dozens of natural hazard designs, including but not limited to the following:

  • New uses for "swarms"
  • Wildfires
  • Swamp gasses and bog bombs
  • Mirages
  • Sinkholes and Karst Collapses
  • Extreme atmospheric conditions
  • Sandstorms
  • Deadfalls
  • Fungal blooms
  • Quaking bogs
  • Mudslides
  • And so much more!

Projects We Love

We have two more projects to share with you today.  As previously mentioned, we're only planning to share projects that might be used in direct conjunction with the content in Grio's Guide.  Both of these books have a wilderness focus and could benefit greatly from our wildlands mechanics.  They've both already funded as well, and the campaigns are wrapping up shortly.  Get in while you still can.

The Prophecy of Nine Omens Trilogy

The Prophecy of Nine Omens Trilogy contains three classic fantasy adventures for the fifth edition of the world’s largest roleplaying game.

 You’ll get a book with the following adventures and compendium:
 ➛ No Honour Among Thieves
 ➛ Sea Monsters ahead, Captain!
 ➛ The Sunken Temple of Sirenholm
 ➛ The Brave Adventurer’s Guide with all unlocked stretch goals
 ➛ Bonus: You’ll get a special mention in the book!

 They’ll also include free VTT tokens, gridless maps, and digital handouts so that the adventures can easily be played online.

Check out the Kickstarter here:

Wayfarers of the Farwood Campaign Setting

Leave civilization behind and step into the primordial! Lor'Zun is a world where the gods roam the land, where magic is raw and unpredictable, and where each journey is a struggle for survival. Enter the a world with a strong focus on journeys, environment, and ecosystems!

Wayfarers of the Farwood is a fifth edition compatible book, including the World of Lor'Zun Campaign Setting, a Player's Guide, and The Iron Thieves Campaign for characters level 1 - 10. A total of 280 pages of content and features.

Pledge now to get your book in PDF (€24/$29), hardcover (€50/$60), or both!

Check out the Kickstarter here:

More next week!

We'll have another update on the content of Grio's Guide early next week.  

Next-Level Encounter Design (Clarification and Additional Details)
almost 3 years ago – Sun, May 23, 2021 at 12:49:28 PM

First of all, THANK YOU to all of our wonderful backers!  We're just a small push away from achieving our first stretch goal at $30K, and we're excited about the opportunity to include Mountain, Grassland, and Forest chapters in Grio's Guide.

Content Update

This first project update is in response to a few questions that we've received about the structure of the book.  As mentioned above, each natural biome that we cover (Desert, Jungle, Swamp, Mountain, Grassland, Forest, Arctic, Coastal, and Subterranean) will be detailed within its own dedicated chapter.  Everything related to an individual environment will appear in the chapter of the book that focuses on that environment.

This structure will encompass any content stretch goals that we achieve as well.  If Herbalism, Alchemy, and Crafting are unlocked, the materials that are available in the Desert will be included in a special section of the Desert chapter. If Vehicles, Mounts, and Equipment are unlocked, there will be an additional section in each chapter that covers the relevant information for those items.

Additionally, each individual natural hazard or encounter that appears in a given chapter is designed as a one-page resource for the Game Master.  We've worked diligently to find a balance between providing detail and leaving room for creativity and improvisation. Though we've provided a short summary of this design philosophy on the Story page, some backers were interested in seeing more content from the book.

Below you'll find two reference pages from the beginning of Grio's Guide that explain the structure and use of each encounter page.  The process detailed here in these pages can be observed in practice on the Flash Flood sample that has been provided on the Story page.

While these are draft pages and should not be viewed as a representation of the final product, we hope that they will serve as clarification of our process.

Projects We Love

As an additional value for our backers, we will periodically highlight other Kickstarter projects that we believe can be used effectively in conjunction with Grio's Guide to the Wildlands.

Today's selection is Into the Wyrd and Wild by Wet Ink Games.

Add an Unnatural Horror Element to Your Natural Environments

Beyond the reach of roads, past the scope of mortals there is a darkened place. A shadowed tree-line where no-one dares cross and whose boundaries go undisturbed.

This is not the woods of peaceful fey and beast, but the dark and twisted children’s tale that kept you full of terror. It is a world of fear, madness, and bloodshed; ruled over by the uncaring watch of ancient trees. There is no bargaining with the primal forces that rule the uncivilized world, as you have nothing they could ever want.

The woods do not care for you. Never forget that.

If you're planning a dark and gritty horror campaign, we definitely recommend checking this one out.  It looks amazing, and they've already achieved multiple stretch goals as well.

Additional Updates

We'll continue to release updates on content and stretch goals about twice per week from now until the campaign's conclusion.  Thanks again for the early support.  Onward and upward!

First Tier Funding Achieved!
almost 3 years ago – Mon, May 17, 2021 at 01:39:38 PM

Project Funded . . . Check!

Thank you all so much for making this book a reality!  It is a labor of love for our team of designers, and we intend to make it something that any diligent and thoughtful DM would be proud to have on the shelf.

The real work begins now as we push for additional stretch goals that will make Grio's Guide to the Wildlands truly amazing!  Please continue to share this with other gamers who can appreciate the vision and the scope of the project.

The team at Next-Level Gaming is excited to have you all along for the ride!